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Opera Omnia - Buxtehude Collector's Box (30cd's & 1DVD)
Dieterich Buxtehude

Ton Koopman

Opera Omnia - Buxtehude Collector's Box (30cd's & 1DVD)

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917282726
Catnr: CC 72827
Release date: 10 December 2019
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CD (30 items)
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Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72827
Release date
10 December 2019

About the album

Ton Koopman is not only one of the great fathers of the Baroque-Renaissance revival in the 1970’s, but a true pioneer of our time.
After completing the Bach Cantatas survey, was he awarded the Bach Prize 2014 by the Royal Academy of Music. The prize is awarded to outstanding individuals in the performance and scholarship of Bach’s music and none could be more worthy than Koopman, who has been noted as doing ”remarkable work promoting Bach’s music in the last thirty or so years.”
Koopman’s endless curiosity in music and performance research has this time turned his attention to a world premiere recording of Buxtehude’s complete works.

Dieterich Buxtehude is considered by many to be the most important figure in German Baroque music, after Johann Sebastian Bach. The importance of such a composer is reiterated by the well-known anecdote, which tells the story of 20-year-old Bach walking four hundred kilometers to listen to Buxtehude playing in Lubeck in 1705.

In a world-first, Koopman has recorded Buxtehude’s Opera Omnia including Vocal Works (Cantatas, Concertos and Arias), Organ and Harpsichord Works (played by Ton Koopman on historical instruments), Chamber Music (Sonatas and Triosonatas).
This boxset collection is an incredible achievement in the Baroque discography, a milestone which will remain a reference for many years to come.
Een mijlpaal in de discografie van de barokmuziek: de reeks Opera Omnia met alle werken van Buxtehude
Voor het eerst in de muziekgeschiedenis zijn alle werken van Dieterich (Dietrich, Diderich) Buxtehude opgenomen. De reeks Opera Omnia is een meesterwerk van Ton Koopman, solisten en het Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir. De complete verzameling bevat vocale werken met cantates, concerten en aria's, orgelwerken die Koopman speelt op historische instrumenten en kamermuziek met sonates en triosonates. Alle muziek is uitgevoerd, zoals ze in de tijd van Buxtehude werd gespeeld. De losse delen zijn ook afzonderlijk te beluisteren, maar deze complete verzameling heeft als extra een opname met ???????? en is dus een must voor elke verzamelaar en liefhebber van klassieke en barokmuziek."Dit Buxtehude-project is een juweel geworden, een briljant met meerdere facetten, zowel bezien vanuit het musicologisch als vanuit vertolkingsperspectief." Aart van der Wal, Opus klassiek, april 2015.

Buxtehude stond in zijn tijd, de late 17e eeuw, bekend om zijn grootschalige oratoria, die hij componeerde voor zijn Abendmusiken. De concerten die hij in de wintermaanden organiseerde voor de rijke kooplieden van de stad. Deze oratoria zijn helaas niet bewaard gebleven. Dat gold wel voor zijn andere vocale werk.

Buxtehude was een Deens-Duitse organist en een door velen bewonderde componist uit de barokperiode. Hij componeerde vocale en instrumentale muziek. Het grootste deel van zijn oeuvre bestaat uit divers vocaal werk, zoals geestelijke concerten, aria's, koralen, cantates en canons weelderige en rijke muziek. Zijn orgelwerken omvatten een aanzienlijk deel van het standaard orgelrepertoire van onze hedendaagse kerkdiensten. Buxtehude wordt beschouwd als de belangrijkste Duitse componist in de periode tussen Heinrich Schütz en Bach. Zijn stijl heeft veel componisten sterk beïnvloed. Hij was één van de grote voorbeelden van Johann Sebastian Bach. Het verhaal gaat dat Bach, toen 20 jaar, in 1705 helemaal naar Lübeck liep - 400 km - om Dieterich Buxtehude daar in de Marienkirche te horen spelen.

Wellicht dat die anekdote Ton Koopman inspireerde tot zijn project Opera Omnia om het gehele bewaard gebleven oeuvre van Buxtehude uit te voeren en op te nemen. Er was hem veel aan gelegen Buxtehude als het brein achter de vocale muziek van Bach te erkennen. Zelf zegt hij over dit 'monsterproject' tegen Paul Janssen van Klassieke Zaken; "Er zitten echt prachtige stukken tussen. Ondertussen zijn we heel veel te weten gekomen over Buxtehude, en hebben we veel bronnen kunnen raadplegen die nog nooit eerder bekeken zijn. Voor mij is Buxtehude alleen maar groter geworden." Koopman is een van de meest vooraanstaande uitvoerders van oude muziek en voorzittter van het Internationale Buxtehude Gesellschaft.
Ton Koopman ist nicht nur einer der Väter der Wiederentdeckung des Barock in den 1970ern, sondern auch ein wahrer Pionier unserer Zeit. Seine unendliche Neugier hat seine Aufmerksamkeit nun auf eine Gesamtaufnahme von Dieterich Buxtehudes Werken gelenkt. Nach Johann Sebastian Bach gilt Buxtehude als wichtigste Figur des Deutschen Barock, und Koopman hat in dieser Welterstaufnahme all seine Werke gesammelt, einschließlich seiner Vokal- und Kammermusik sowie Kompositionen für Orgel und Cembalo, die Koopman auf historischen Instrumenten spielt - eine unglaubliche Leistung und ein Meilenstein der Barock-Discographie, über die man noch lange reden wird.
Prima edizione mondiale degli Opera Omnia di Buxtehude. Contiene un DVD con il documentario «Live to be a Hundred», sulla vita du Ton Koopman.

Ton Koopman è non soltanto uno dei padri fondatori della riscoperta della musica barocca e rinascimentale negli anni Settanta, ma un vero pioniere del nostro tempo. Dopo aver completato l’indagine delle cantate di Bach, la Royal Academy of Music gli ha assegnato il Premio Bach 2014. Il riconoscimento è conferito alle personalità più eminenti nell’esecuzione e ricerca bachiana, e nessuno potrebbe essere più meritevole di Koopman, che è stato segnalato per «considerevole lavoro per promuover la musica di Bach nell’ultimo trentennio.» L’inesauribile curiosità di Koopman, per il repertorio e per la ricerca sulla prassi esecutiva, rivolge ora la sua attenzione alla prima registrazione mondiale delle opere complete di Buxtheude. Dieterich Buxtehude è da molti considerato la più importante figura della musica barocca tedesca, dopo Johann Sebastian Bach. L’importanza di tale compositore è ribadita dal celebre aneddoto, che racconta la storia di un Bach ventenne che nel 1705 percorre a piedi quattrocento chilometri per ascoltare Buxtehude a Lubecca. In questa prima mondiale, Koopman ha registrato gli Opera Omnia di Buxtehude, comprese le opere vocali (cantate, concerti e arie), le opere organistiche e clavicembalistiche (suonate da Ton Koopman su strumenti storici), la musica da camera (sonate e sonate a tre).

Questa cofanetto rappresenta un incredibile conseguimento nella discografia barocca, una pietra miliare che resterà un riferimento per molti anni a venire.


Ton Koopman

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.


Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality. The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare...
Ton Koopman founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979. The group consists of internationally renowned baroque specialists who meet up several times a year and work together to prepare and perform new exciting programmes. For the musicians each concert is a new experience and Koopman's boundless energy and enthusiasm are a sure guarantee of the highest quality.
The Amsterdam Baroque Choir was founded in 1992 and it made its debut during the Holland Festival of Early Music in Utrecht performing the world première of the Requiem (for 15 voices) and Vespers (for 32 voices) by H.I.F. Biber. The recording of both of these works won the Cannes Classical Award for the best performance of 17th/18th century choral music. For its rare combination of textural clarity and interpretative flexibility, the Amsterdam Baroque Choir is considered among today’s most outstanding choirs. In 1994 Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir embarked upon the most ambitious recording project of the last decades: the integral recording of Bach’s secular and sacred cantatas. For this extraordinary project Koopman and his ensemble received the Deutsche Schallplatten-Preis Echo Klassik. Next to the CD recordings three books have been edited and published by Ton Koopman and the musicologist Christoph Wolff and a series of six documentaries was produced and broadcasted by various TV stations.
Alongside Bach’s music the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has recorded all major baroque and classical works. Major recognitions include the Gramophone Award, Diapason d'Or, 10-Repertoire, Stern des Monats-Fono Forum, the Prix Hector Berlioz and two Edison Awards. In 2008 the ensemble and Ton Koopman have been honoured with the prestigious BBC Award. Since March 2003 “Antoine Marchand”, a new sub-label of Challenge Classics, took over the release of Koopman’s new recordings and among many others has published 22 CD boxes of the Bach Cantatas, a new recording of the St. Matthew Passion (on CD and DVD) and St. Markus Passion of J.S. Bach (DVD), live recorded in Milan, as well as the first seven volumes of the Buxtehude Opera-Omnia Edition. Ton Koopman and the ABO & ABC are regular guests at the major concert halls of Europe, the USA and Japan. In the 2008/09 season they will tour extensively in Europe (Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Milan, Cologne, Dresden, Düsseldorf etc) and in Far East with concerts in Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo.


Dieterich Buxtehude

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In...

Among the general public, Dieterich Buxtehude is mostly known due to the admiration Johann Sebastian Bach had for his organ and composing skills, for which Bach traveled to the North German city of Lübeck to stay with him for four months, no less. This says quite something about the quality of Buxtehude's performance, but even more so about the influence it had on Bach and all composers after him. Yet, nowadays Buxtehude's music does not need Bach to survive, as a matter of fact it is extraordinarily beautiful just by itself! Buxtehude was originally Danish, but he spent most of him life in Lübeck. His so-called 'Abendmusik', which was a series of evening concerts outside of the liturgy, grew famous. In the works he wrote for these occasions, his enormous fantasy and creative freedom truly shows. As an organ player, Buxtehude was widely famous. If you would listen to his Organ Preludes, you would quickly know why. Buxtehude manages to combine an unprecedented virtuosity with a large variety of styles and techniques. No wonder Bach traveled all that way to see him!



Often bought together with..

Johann Sebastian Bach
Complete Bach Cantatas Vol. 1-22 (box set)
Ton Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir
Rupert Ignaz Mayr
Sacri Concentus - Antiphone (1681)
Ars Antiqua Austria / Gunar Letzbor
Johann Sebastian Bach
Weihnachtsoratorium (reissue)
La Petite Bande / Sigiswald Kuijken
Various composers
The Unreleased Recitals at The Concertgebouw 1975 - 1976 - 1978 - 1979 - 1980
Emil Gilels
Dieterich Buxtehude
Opera Omnia XVIII - Vocal works vol. 8
Ton Koopman

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